DL Medical&Health is one of the global major leading kinesiology tape industry player
You may not believe if we say DL Medical&Health is one of the global major leading kinesilogy tape industry player. But Six Global Market Research Report of kinesiology tape industry listed DL Medical&Health.
Who are they?
- 1st REPORT from link: http://www.deepresearchreports.com/142856.html
Regarding this report, you could see how is the market of Kinesiology tape. "The global market for Kinesiology Tape is expected to reach about 39.5 million rolls by 2021 from 18.5 million rolls in 2016, registering a Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 16.4% during the analysis period 2016-2021. Meanwhile, the global revenue of Kinesiology Tape market is expected to reach 271 million USD in 2021 with a CAGR of 12.5% from 2016."
- 2nd REPORT link: https://marketsizeforecasters.com/world-kinesiology-tape-market
- 3rd REPORT LINK: http://publicistreport.com/life-science/healthcare/global-kinesiology-tape-market.html
- 4th REPORT link http://www.fiormarkets.com/report-detail/12917#description
- 5th REPORT link: http://www.reportsnreports.com/reports/849381-global-kinesiology-tape-market-research-report-2017.html
- 6th REPORT link: http://www.qyresearchreports.net/market-research-report/global-kinesio-tape-industry-2016-market-research-report
(Sorry we don't know what they would say about DL, But you could make enquiry DL for the answer and status in time)
Why Kinesiology tape is a value field you should pay attention now?
Google tell you:
Big Search Volume as "Sports tape", Please noted, sports tape is a word for a series, but Kinesiology tape only for one.
Download the pdf file : Why_Kinesiology_tape_industry_is_a_value_filed
How could i know more detail about kinesiology tape?
Kintape is owned by DL Medical&Health, Kintape is not only basic on Kinesiology tape, but over it. It is a bionic physiotherapy tape, Please visit Painrelieftape.com to learn more.
Download the PDF file : [OTC]Kintape,Pain Relief Tape