DL Medical&Health is one of the global major leading kinesiology tape industry player

How is the Market of Kinesiology tape? Which for both sports and medical market.

A market research report says: "The global market for Kinesiology Tape is expected to reach about 39.5 million rolls by 2021 from 18.5 million rolls in 2016, registering a Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 16.4% during the analysis period 2016-2021. Meanwhile, the global revenue of Kinesiology Tape market is expected to reach 271 million USD in 2021 with a CAGR of 12.5% from 2016."

DL Medical&Health is one of the global major leading kinesiology tape industry player.

You may not believe if we say DL Medical&Health is one of the global major leading kinesilogy tape industry player. But Six Global Market Research Report of kinesiology tape industry(10-30 company in the world) listed DL Medical&Health

DL Medical&Health is one of the global major leading kinesiology tape industry player

Who are they? The six reports.

  • 1st REPORT from link: http://www.deepresearchreports.com/142856.html
  • 2nd REPORT link: https://marketsizeforecasters.com/world-kinesiology-tape-market
  • 3rd REPORT LINK: http://publicistreport.com/life-science/healthcare/global-kinesiology-tape-market.html
  • 4th REPORT link http://www.fiormarkets.com/report-detail/12917#description
  • 5th REPORT link: http://www.reportsnreports.com/reports/849381-global-kinesiology-tape-market-research-report-2017.html
  • 6th REPORT link: http://www.qyresearchreports.net/market-research-report/global-kinesio-tape-industry-2016-market-research-report

(Sorry we don't know what they would say about DL, But you could make enquiry DL for the answer and status in time)

Why Kinesiology tape is a value field you should pay attention now? 

Google tell you:

Kinesiology tape search volume by DL Medical&Health

Big Search Volume as "Sports tape", Please noted, sports tape is a keyword for a series, but Kinesiology tape only for one. 

Click to Download the PDF :Some keywords search result to compare 

And What is Kinesiology tape/ Kintape exactly?  

Kintape is owned by DL Medical&Health, Kintape is not only basic on Kinesiology tape, but over it. It is a bionic physiotherapy tape, Please visit Painrelieftape.com to learn more. 

Click to Download the PDF : Description of Kintape (Pain Relief Tape)


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